Genetics of Original Sin, The Impact of the Past on the Future of Humanity
Odile Jacob
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Genetics of Original Sin

The Impact of the Past on the Future of Humanity

Odile Jacob


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“In this book I examine the extraordinary saga of life on Earth in the light
of the most recent scientific discoveries. This saga has resulted in the
extraordinary success of our species, and in the mortal threats that it has
posed for the future.   By favoring immediate benefits, to the detriment,
sometimes, of long-term advantages, natural selection, in my opinion, is the
source of this remarkable success, but also of the perils that come out of it.
Modern science has established the implausibility of the Biblical tale for the
origins of human beings; it has not, however, invalidated the intuition that
inspired it. Humanity is, infact, tainted by an intrinsic defect, by a genetic
“original sin,” that threatens to lead to its demise. We do indeed need
redemption to save us, but it can only come from humanity itself.   We must
find in the resources of our minds a wisdom that is not inscribed in our
genes.” C. de D.   The book of a great biologist, but also of a moralist.
Christian de Duve, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, is professor emeritus at the
Université catholique de Louvain and at Rockefeller University in New York. He
is the author of À l'écoute du vivant (2002) and of Singularités (2005)
[Singularities: Landmarks on the Pathways of Life], both best-sellers.
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